Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Notes for further gardening

- I think the beds closest to the house should be for annuals and bulbs.

- I have many packets of seeds that I'm going to plant and feed with worm poop.

- Rather than chop down the junipers in front, I think they should go in the back to form part of our screen. I've read that they do well in shady, dry soil.

- I forgot that I need to get more Vaccinium (aka blueberry and related) bushes for the backyard. One more trip to the farmers market should do it for this year.

- We decided to wait on moving the cherry tree in back to the front. I read that early spring is the best time to move a tree so hopefully I'll remember by next spring.

- A good place to study up on native species for CT: is American Beauties Native Plants, located in Lebanon, CT. They even have landscape plans for creating a bird garden, a butterly garden, etc.

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