The new worms are very happy! Yay! They’re eating like crazy and I hope they’re breeding too! I even set up a new tray for them. I’m so relieved. I was starting to think our worm colony was going to be a worm graveyard but that’s not the case. I’ve got the expandable worm tower and I’m starting to see some really nice black, rich-looking castings in the bottom. If things go well, I’ll harvest the tray in another 2-3 weeks. I read I can make compost tea with it and spray it on the lawn! WOW. I’m so excited.
I’ve also set up our outdoor compost tumbler. Yeah, I’m a little compost crazy. But something’s gotta be done with all these !@#$$ leaves! And we have no shortage of food scraps.
See more progress on: start a worm compost